October News from the HOA Board
Check out our latest posting to get your copy of the October HOA Newsletter…
Very Important Tennis Court Updates
Due to the resurfacing of the tennis courts, homeowners will need to apply for a new key to the courts. The process and new rules can be found on our website…
Upcoming Fall Shrub pruning
Neighborhood fall pruning begins Monday, 9/13. Read how to put your home on the “DO NOT MAINTAIN” list in our latest posting.
Fall Fertilizer Treatment
From Diamond Community Services The fall fertilizer will be applied on Wednesday, 9/8 using a granular treatment. Signs will be posted at both entrances. Please contact Diamond Community Services with any questions/concerns: griffithe@diamondcommunityservices.com Thank you and have a great Labor Day weekend!
September Update from the HOA Board
Welcome to our new (old) website: malvernhunthoa.org. We are utilizing the email addresses received from our prior HOA agent, First Residential, to send this email. If you’re newer to the neighborhood, you may not be registered on the website. Click the “Login” link on the website menu, and then click the “New User” link. If…
Vehicle Break-ins Reported
To the Residents of Malvern Hunt, The management company was informed that there were a couple of cars that were broken into last night. If you have any information or saw anything unusual, please contact the local police department. The East Whiteland Police Departments direct line is 610-647-2100. They are open Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm.…