Since the growing season is slowing down we will be skipping lawn cutting tomorrow, 10/31. In addition, we have 2 more landscaping events to end the season coming up…fall fertilization of the turf and the Fall Cleanup.
Since we are in that time of year when overnight temps in the 40’s slows down grass growth we will skip cutting lawns tomorrow, October 17th.
Due to the ground is still being soft from the rain we had the weekend & beginning of the week and the forecast for rain tonight & tomorrow we will postpone cutting until Monday.
Due to the amount of rain we had over the weekend we will postpone cutting lawns until Friday to avoid doing damage to the turf with the equipment.
Brightview will apply both a fertilizer & post emergent to the turf on Thursday & Friday this week.
Due to the lack of rain and this heat wave we will postpone lawn cutting this week so we don’t further stress out the turf.