A message regarding this year’s landscaping
Due to the positive feedback we have received regarding the snowstorm updates, the Board is introducing landscape updates. The purpose of the updates is to provide residents of Malvern Hunt with tentative landscape dates. NOTE: some of the events listed may have already occurred.
Monday, April 11, Brightview posted signs announcing that it will be treating our lawns within 72 hours. Any homeowner who wishes to review the safety data sheet needs to contact DCS.
Tuesday, April 12, Brightview will commence the mowing of the lawns and common areas.
Wednesday, April 13, lawns and common areas will be treated with fertilizer and insecticide. All residents, particularly our children and pets, should refrain from playing on the grass for at least 48 hours according to Internet reports.
Wednesday, April 13, DCS, the Board and an engineer will be walking on residential lots and common areas to inspect soil depressions to better ascertain if these depressions are related to defects in the water drainage or sewer systems in our community, sinkholes or potholes. The next step will be to identify who is responsible for remediating the soil depressions. If any of these are East Whiteland Twp. responsibilities, the township will be contacted and requested to remediate the problem areas. If the inspection determines that these are the HOA’s responsibility, a contractor will be engaged to remediate these depressions.
Brightview Grass Cuttings: Brightview is scheduled to cut the grass in our community on Tuesdays, again weather permitting. Should the Board determine that a cutting for any particular week is not necessary (such as in July or August when it is very dry and the grass growth is limited), the Board will post an update.
Red Flags: Red flags indicate that you do not wish to have the plantings in your flower beds trimmed. If you wish to be added or deleted from the listing of homes that have red flags, please contact DCS.
Tree & Shrub Removal: All members who are in good standing and who had previously requested that specific trees and shrubs be removed, those will be tended to this spring. Should any member want the HOA to consider removing any shrub or tree in the future, please contact DCS who will put your address on a waiting list.
Planting of Shrubs: All members who are in good standing and who had previously requested that dead shrubbery be replaced, those plantings will be tended to this spring. Should any member want the HOA to consider replacing any dead shrub in the future, please contact DCS who will put your address on a waiting list.
Planting of Trees: All members who are in good standing and who had requested that a new tree be planted to replace a dead tree, those plantings are scheduled for this fall when temperatures are milder and to avoid the hot summer months when new plantings require much watering.
Watering of Lawns, Shrubs & Trees: The watering of the lawns, shrubs and trees are solely the responsibility of the homeowner. Any homeowner who has a shrub or tree replaced and does not water the HOA’s new plantings and those plantings are damaged by lack of water, those trees and shrubs become the sole responsibility of the homeowner.
Landscaping Damage Claims: While Brightview is most careful with its landscaping work, unfortunately accidents may occur and damage is done to a homeowner’s property. Brightview employees have been instructed to immediately report to their supervisor any damage that they have caused so that the homeowner can immediately be notified as to how & when the damage will be remediated. If a homeowner finds that their property has been damaged, they should immediately notify DCS within 24 hours about the damage along with a color photograph. It always helpful if a homeowner can provide a before and after picture. Accordingly, it would be prudent to take photos of your gardens now.
Landscaping Questions: All questions pertaining to landscaping need to be presented to DCS.